Health CEC Gideon Kibet Charged For Threatening To Kill Colleague

Dr Gideon Kibet Toromo

On Thursday, December 17, Baringo County Health CEC Dr Gideon Kibet Toromo was brought before the Kabarnet Law Courts on charges of threatening to kill the county’s payroll manager.

The medic denied the charges and was released on a Ksh70,000 bond and Ksh50,000 cash bail. The case will be heard on February 9, 2021.

During an open-air hearing, the court was told that on November 25, 2020, the CEC uttered the words, “Ayabei leo nitakumaliza,” to County Payroll Manager Francis Kibinei Ayabei at the county headquarters. The statement was viewed as a threat to murder his colleague.

Toromo was also charged with a second count of assault as per section 251 of the penal code.

It is alleged that Toromo suffers from a psychological condition referred to as paranoid schizophrenia, thus resulting in his instances of violent behavior.

On October 8, 2013, Toromo was charged with shooting and killing a secondary school tutor with a poisoned arrow.

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