Health CS Mutahi Kagwe Linked To COVID-19 KeMSA Scandal

mutahi kagwe
mutahi kagwe

Suspended Kenya Medical Supplies Authority Chief Executive Officer, Jonah Manjari has directly linked CS Kagwe and PS Mochache to the multibillion- shilling COVID-19 scandal.

During a grilling session, Manjari told the joint senate committee of health and covid-19 he would occasionally receive calls and SMS from either CS Kagwe or PS Mochache on issues pertaining procurement of COVID related materials.

He said the text messages would land fast and furious; with a lot of pressure directing him to act in a particular way.

“We received requests from CS Kagwe and PS Susan Mochache mostly through phone calls and SMS to distribute commodities in hots pots. All these things came with pressure,” Manjari said.

He also agreed that most procurement of COVID-19 related materials such as PPEs done in agency around March to April did not follow the correct protocols of tendering.

This came just a day after KEMSA board led by Gitari told the National Assembly they received a letter from PS instructing them where to procure, quantities of materials and prices.

mutahi kagwe
mutahi kagwe

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