How having a big sister Improves your overall development.


If you have an older sister, you can hide behind her when you get into trouble, make her do your chores, and even borrow her clothes (without telling her, obviously), but there’s more you need to thank her for. According to psychologists, having a sister improves your mental stability and overall development. Children who grow up with sisters around them are happier and become better-adjusted adults.

If you think growing up was hard for you, believe it or not, it was way harder for your sister. A study has found that parents are much more strict and harsh toward their firstborns when compared to the rest of the siblings. First-time parents are all about rules and too many expectations, but they are reduced when another child is born and gradually, they get more lenient. So, if you have an older sister, that’s another reason you need to be grateful to her.

She has a lot of things to teach you that you haven’t experienced yet. You’ll always have an ally and someone to look up to. She inspires you to be better and to strive toward your goals. Growing up with sisters makes you more ambitious and independent. It’s a normal process for the younger ones to imitate their older siblings as part of their social and cognitive development. Even if you’re not aware, your big sister is fundamental in shaping your personality.

Most of all, you will always have a ride-or-die best friend, someone that knows you so intimately that she can tell what you’re thinking just by looking at you. That is the most precious gift and something to cherish every day. You are so fortunate to have a big sister who loves you.

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