“I didn’t rape her,I was just removing a tick off her nunu,” says a rapist after being arraigned in court.


The things magistrates have to put up with! A rapist concocted the weirdest explanation to why he was caught pants down rapping a girl.

Last year in December, A 46-year-old Saudi millionaire, Ehsan Abdulaziz, managed to convince an English jury he accidentally penetrated an 18-year-old girl when he tripped and fell.

It seems a 70-year-old Meru man was all too familiar of Abdulaziz’s case, and he tried manipulating the magistrate with the same trick only that it didn’t work for him.

 During the hearing of a rape case yesterday, Mucee Kiunjugi told Marimanti Resident Magistrate Linus Menza, he was removing a tick that had bitten a 9-year-old girl in her private part when he was busted raping her.Mr. Meru refuted claims he raped the girl, the incident happened way back in 2012. The magistrate slapped the accused with a life imprisonment sentence.

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