Inspector General Mutyambai: No Tender Awarded in the Development of Digital OB System,

police inspector general Hillary Mutyambai
police inspector general Hillary Mutyambai

The police inspector general Hillary Mutyambai has responded via twitter to the public citing that there was no tender awarded in the development of the digital occurrence book (OB).

The Inspector-General noted tech development is a security issue and police experts from the IT department were involved.

“Thank you for your concern, please note that this is a security matter and being undertaken by security officers who have expertise in ICT matters,” noted Mutyambai.

Mutyambai was responding to a question by former State House director for digital communications Denis Itumbi, who said he was not satisfied with the answer, but was ‘happy’ Mutyambai had denied the existence of a tender.

“At least he is now on record saying no tender was floated or awarded. It is an internal process. I do not believe that. I will get the suppliers and from there the next questions,” noted Itumbi.

The digital occurrence book was launched early this month with the participation of cabinet secretary Fred Matiangi.

Police IG, Hillary Mutyambai
Police IG, Hillary Mutyambai

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