Jamhuri day; Kenya at 56!

20191212 112312
20191212 112312

Today 12th day of December 2019, Kenya marks its 56th birthday with the celebrations being lead by his excellency president Uhuru Muingai Kenyatta at Nyayo stadium.

Kenya became independent on 12 December 1963. The country became a republic after gaining full self-governance from the United Kingdom on 1 June 1964. Jamhuri Day is regarded as Kenya’s most important day, marked by numerous festivities which celebrate the country’s cultural heritage and looks back at her journey to independence and self-governance.

Kenya at 56! As a kenyan what milestone this has been. Despite all that has always gone wrong in the country Kenya, there are alot of things that Kenyan netizens should celebrate to mark the great milestones we have made since independence, these include but not limited to; the continuous improvement in infrastructure both on the roads, adoption and implementation of the emerging technological trends, enhancements in the education and medical sectors and not to forget the continuous mentions of Kenya as one of the rapidly growing and expanding economies.

Despite the improvements there has always been this great monster in the Kenyan governance, corruption. With the celebrations today indeed there is something to say about the initiatives that are beong put forth to fight this monster called corruption.

During celebrations like today the Jamhuri day, various kenyans from various heritages come out to pride in their cultures and many at times mama taifa, the first lady stuns in various outfits to also take part in priding in our heritage and today was not an exception.

To the normal mwananchi, holidays like Jamhuri day are marked by spending with loved ones, visiting tje sick and less unfortunate, touring our very own country, on the tembea kenya initiative and many do it by indulging in kenyan delicacy nyama choma!

Whichever way you choose to celebrate the Kenyan 56th birthday do it responsibly.

Happy jamhuri day!!

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