Kenyan Band Sauti Sol Receive Backlash From Fans After Cancelling Show Last Minute

Sauti sol
Sauti sol

A section of Kenyans on Twitter were not pleased with Sauti Sol after fresh suspicions surfaced as to why they cancelled their last minute “Sol Saturday” concert.

A video made by Kari’s Kitchen, one of the food vendors at the festival, alleges that Sauti Sol called off the concert because they didn’t like the layout of the venue, and not because of Covid-19, as they had explained earlier.

Kari’s Kitchen narrated the losses she and other vendors had incurred as a result of the cancellation of the function.

She called on Sauti Sol to tell the Kenyans the truth about why they canceled their concert and cease hiding behind the Coronavirus pandemic.

“… the organizers tried to negotiate with this guy’s till 3 or 4 in the morning because nobody could sleep. How do you even sleep without knowing the fate of the concert? it was so much disrespect, how dare you at 9pm start threatening people that you will not performing. In the Morning, three hours to the event you post saying you will not perform due to Covid. Lying to people… people had spent money to come see you and then you cancel at the eleventh hour…if you could have said this like on a Wednesday it could have been better. This guys were invited for a walk through on the stage and the setup on Tuesday but they did not show up, Friday is when they are coming and saying we don’t like this,” she lamented.


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