Kirinyaga County Assembly Closed For 21 Days, MCAs To Self Isolate

kirinyaga county assembly
kirinyaga county assembly

Kirinyaga county assembly has been closed for 21 days and members told to self isolate over COVID-19 fears.

In a memo released, the clerk of county assembly Kamau Aindi, indicated the sittings will resume come September 14, 2020.

He further urged the members of the county assembly to adhere to protocols issued by the Ministry of Health during the period.

This comes barely a week after a mass testing exercise was conducted with a large number of MCAs no turning up.

The results of those who underwent the exercise are yet to be released.

“We assure you of our support during this time and will keep all of us updated with any relevant information,” said the clerk.

kirinyaga county assembly
kirinyaga county assembly

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