List Of Senators Set To Solve Counties Revenue Stalement


Amid the drama and circus witnessed on Monday 17, August between the Senators and DCI, the revenue sharing formula was shot down once more for the ninth time.

The ruling by speaker Kenneth Lusaka that nominated members could not vote on behalf  of the elected senators who had been arrested forced the likes of James Orengo and Whip Kangata Irungu to appeal for dialogue after foreseeing defeat.

A unity deal was later reached after Sakaja sought permission to adjourn for 15 minutes claiming leaders could find an agreement together.

This led to the Senate forming a 12-member committee to try and reach a consensus on the the counties revenue sharing formula stalemate.

The list include:

1.Johnson Sakaja

2. Kipchumba Murkomen

3. Muhamud Mohamed

4. Moses Wetangula

5. Anwar Loitiptip

6. Mutula Kilonzo

7. John Kinyua

8. Moses Kajwang

9.Samson Cherargei

10.Stewart Madzayo

11. Susan Kihika

12. Ledama Ole Kina.

The committee is set to hold its first meeting on Tuesday 18 August, 2020 and decide on the stakeholders to indulge including CRA which developed the formula.


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