Man Released After Lulu Hassan’s Story Claims He Has No Home After Spending 10 Years In Jail

Julius Wambua and his daughter Dorcas

Julius Wambua, who was released on Thursday, December 17 after having his life sentence invalidated, has opened up about his struggles while settling down in the society.

Wambua says he came back to nothing after spending 10 years behind bars. He has no place to call home, adding that his family is scattered all over.

Currently, the 56-year-old man is seeking shelter at his younger brother’s house in Nairobi.

The man was falsely accused of defiling his own daughter. His daughter, Dorcas Mwende, confessed to being forced to frame her father by her mother.

Wambua served 10 years in prison for a crime he did not commit.

He was released on a cash bail of Ksh 30,000 and an alternative bond of Ksh 200,000 with a surety of a similar amount.

High Court Judge Odunga in his ruling, ordered a retrial of the case stating that it had attracted substancial public interest.





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