Man Dead, Expectant Wife Fighting For Her Life After Gang Attack


An expectant woman is fighting for her life at Mukumu Mission Hospital in Ikolomani, Kakamega County, where she was rushed after being attacked by unknown gang.

Police said the woman and her husband, Vincent Tuvula, were attacked by a gang of four men at at around 2 am.

“I was sleeping when suddenly I heard people screaming, and so I hurriedly went out to check what was happening. It is there that I found Tuvula and his wife lying in a pool of blood,” an eyewitness, Kevin Otongolo reported.

The two were rushed to the hospital where Tuvula was pronounced dead due to the injuries he had sustained. His wife, on the other hand, is still fighting for her life.

Merciline Imali, Tuvula’s mother, reported that the attack might be due to land disputes, adding that his son never found peace after inheriting a piece of land which he declined to sell to an unidentified individual.

Ikolomani Police Commander Joseph Chesire stated that investigations are ongoing to determine the motive behind the attack.





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