Moses Kuria On The Spot Over Awarding Tenders To Family Members


The Gatundu South Mp has been dragged on twitter all morning after details emerged that he has been awarding multimillion tenders to his brothers and sisters using their companies.

The contracts awarded by NGCDF of Gatundu South for construction of school dormitories and classes within the area, saw a tender of Kshs 9.8 million being awarded to Kiki Holdings where Moses Kuria’s sister, Jane Wambui Kuria works as the director.

These two contracts include the construction of Wamwangi Secondary School which cost the national government a whooping 4.9 million and a construction tender at Kiamwangi Secondary School worth another 4.9 million.

A different company called Numerical Strength Limited, owned by John Ngigi Kuria was awarded a tender amounting to Kshs 25 million for building a laboratory for a secondary school within the region.

Some of the other companies implicated in the saga include Amostech Holdings Limited and Finishline Construction Company Limited (partly owned by Aloise Kinyanjui Kuria who is also a Directorate of Criminal Investigations officer in Kiambu).

While it’s still not clear what steps will be taken against Moses Kuria, Kenyans have taken to social media to show their dissatisfaction over the way tenders have been awarded in Gatundu South.


Moses Kuria
Moses Kuria and Ruto

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