MP Aisha Jumwa And Her Aide To Spend Another Three Days In Police Custody

Aisha Jumwa and Her aide and bodyguard
Aisha Jumwa and Her aide and bodyguard

Malindi’s Member of Parliament Aisha Jumwa and Her aide and bodyguard Godfrey Otieno have been detained at Port Police Station in Mombasa for three more days as they await pending psychiatric examination.

“MALINDI MP Aisha Jumwa, her bodyguard Geoffrey Otieno detained at Port police station pending psychiatric examination ahead of plea-taking on Thursday in murder case.” Read a tweet from the Star breaking.

The two had been ordered to appear in court last week by the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) after they had been linked to a murder of a man that had taken place on 15 Oct 2019. The office of the DPP later on sent a tweet to the public to alert them that the MP would face the trial.

This made the lawyers who are defending the MP to file against the office of the DPP for releasing the news to the public without telling them first.

So far, Aisha Jumwa still believes that this is a move that has some political origins cause she has been in opposition against President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Aisha Jumwa and Her aide and bodyguard
Aisha Jumwa and Her aide and bodyguard


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