Mr Njonjo; First Kenyan Attorney General turns 100 years!


Born on January 23, 1920, Mr Njonjo spent a large part of his life in the United Kingdom, where he studied law before returning to Kenya and serving as the country’s first AG for 17 years. Mr Njonjo turns 100years today the twenty third of January 2020! What a blessing to a man who still seems strong and even went for gorilla hunting in Uganda days before his birthday, he did this to tick off one of the items on his bucket list that he had wished to do.

To celebrtate his gorilla catches Mr Njonjo said; “I was very lucky to see the gorillas — two babies and two big bulls,”

He is also famous for marrying his wife, a Briton, at the age of 52 due to pressure from Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, who reportedly could not stand being advised by an AG who was still a bachelor.
After the August 1982 failed coup, powerful Former constitutional affairs minister Charles Njonjo was accused of planning to overthrow President Moi’s government.

He was also alleged to have been party to the activities of a man named Andrew Mungai Muthemba, who was tried in independent Kenya’s first treason case. Prosecutors claimed Muthemba, a relative of Njonjo, had tried to acquire weapons illegally through the Kenya Air Force. He was acquitted.

Mr Njonjo career began the same year he returned to Kenya. The colonial government hired him as a High Court registrar before he was promoted to the position of registrar-general and later a senior counsel at the AG’s office.Later, Mzee Kenyatta appointed him AG after the country gained independence in 1964.

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