Nairobi County political events.

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As well known, the county of Nairobi got lots of political misplace. Just after the last general elections the deputy governor of Nairobi county Polycap Igathe resigned. Mike Sonko failed to appoint a deputy governor which led to more questions from other politicians.

With political gimmick in play, Sonko continued to rule the Nairobi county without a deputy governor. At some point even the speaker of Nairobi county Beatrice Elachi was forced out of office with unstabstancial allegations of curruption and office abuse.

She was later reinstated in office after a series of back and forth exchange of words and violence. Some MCAs also ended up being pepper sprayed.

It is mainly believed that the altercations in the the Nairobi county assembly was based on power struggles between Guyo the majority leader and Elachi the county assembly speaker.

With the ongoing allegations of Sonko being corrupt in office.

Sonko pleaded “not guilty” to all the charges when he was arraigned before anti-corruption court magistrate Douglas Ogoti on Monday in a packed court secured by anti-riot police.

Chief public prosecutor Noordin Haji has accused Sonko, who was arrested on Friday, and his associates of the misappropriation of 357 million Kenyan shillings ($3.5m).

Sonko who was represented in court by a high-profile team of Kenyan lawyers, asked his supporters to avoid any actions that “may threaten the peace”. Police used tear gas to disperse hundreds of Sonko’s supporters when he was called into the anti-corruption office for questioning in November.

Sonko claims his arrest was politically motivated.

If found guilty, this means the speaker of the county government of Nairobi Beatrice Elachi automatically assumes the governor’s seat for 60 days. This will later lead to a by-lections.

What does this mean to Wanjiku? This will lead to more tax incurred on a common mwananchi.

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