Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko Steps In For A Woman After Having Three Miscarriages


Nairobi Governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko has promised to help a woman who has had three miscarriages and is struggling to help her newborn child stay alive at Kijabe Hospital.

Sonko illustrated the situation of Beatrice Yegon and her husband, Moses Kiplang’at, via his social media accounts.

“Today on giving Tuesday, I present Baby Travis to our online family. He requires our help to keep winning. Through our lunch gift we can see him fight his way out of the hospital,” the governor stated.

The couple has tried their best to get a child over the years without success.

“Doctors say Beatrice has a condition they refer to as Cervical Incompetence which leads to the premature rupture of the membranes. Her cervix cannot withstand the weight of a foetus. So on this fourth time, they decided to put Macdonald stitch and doctors recommended total bed rest,” reads a statement posted by the governor.

Yegon developed complications and her baby was born at only 24 weeks instead of the normal 40 weeks. The baby has been in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) since August 12, 2020

“Little Travis was put into neonatal ICU for two months. He had to be injected drugs to help some of his organs like lungs mature so he could breathe on his own but every week since birth he has presented new health challenges one after the other,” reads the statement.

Kiplang’at stated that his son was later diagnosed with anaemia and that his platelets level dropped. The governor has asked Kenyans to contribute and help the couple pay the accumulated hospital bill os Ksh 900,000.

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