Neighbors Watch As Man Stabs Wife To Death In Kitengela


Kitengela residents were in disbelief after Timothy Weru, 35, reportedly killed his 23-year-old wife Miriam Nyakaro on Sunday afternoon, October 11, after luring her to their rental apartment.

Relatives who talked to the media said that the two had a difficult marriage and are said to have been living separately for weeks leading to the incident.

According to the neighbors, at around midday, there was a commotion just moments after the woman arrived home.

The man is alleged to have stabbed his wife to death as neighbors watched helplessly.

He is said to have threatened anyone who tried to interfere before slitting his own throat open with a kitchen knife.

The two are said to have fought, causing the woman to try running away, but she was pursued by the husband who hit her head with a hammer.

Domestic violence incidents have risen dramatically across the country as a result of COVID-19 regulations.



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