Otile Brown gifts himself a new BMW as he drops his album

Otile Brown in his new ride

It seems that this new month is such a blessing to most celebrities as they keep gifting themselves with new rides. We thought the pandemic was affecting everyone. Clearly most of these celebrities did not get affected.

Days after Betty Kyallo gifted herself with a new Porsche Cayenne Otile Brown has also announced that he has bought himself a new BMW 7 series as he launches his album.

He  posted a video on his Instagram stories where he unleashed his new car. It was a white BMW 7 series. It was drove in as some of his friends stood clapping and congratulating him.

He also held a listening party for his new album. He did not even care about social distancing. His album drops today and we cannot wait to listen to it. He has also dropped a new single featuring Khaligraph Jones.


Otile Brown in his new ride

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