Phenny Awiti the lady living happily with HIV/AIDs

20191202 120756
20191202 120756

Phenny Awiti is a young lady born with HIV on 3rd of January 1992. She discovered she was HIV positive 16 years later when she was in high school back in 2008 when she was just in form two. Well but how did she discover she was HIV positive? Well, you know those aids organization that would visit schools for HIV/AIDS sensitization talks, after all the talking and impacting knowledge to encourage the teens to give their blood samples for testing they would offer bread and soda. Bread and soda in high school then was such a treat! I’m not pretty sure about now, but such treats then got a number of students to giving their blood samples without hesitation just to get the treat that that came with it, Phenny Awiti was not an exemption either.
Shortly after the samples were taken, she was called in by counselors for her results, being an innocent 16 year old she was undoubtedly sure of herself, the counselor goes on to ask he if she had a boyfriend an allegation she denied, with the confirmations the counselor goes ahead to explain to her the results and yes she was HIV /AIDS positive! So confusing to her, she could hardly believe it, for a number of day she lived with the foreign findings in her head, not sure who to share with Phenny Awiti later shared with a close friend and that is how the news spread across the school and stigmatization began.
The last born in a family of six shared the news with her siblings and was shocked to know that they all knew she was HIV positive from birth but had shyed away from sharing with her. After high school she embraced herself and would volunteer to organizations and her life moved on desirably. Just like any other woman Phenny Awiti had desired to have a family of her own, her intentions were clear from the word go and wanting to infect other people was not her speck. For any man who desired she would openly state her status and many flew away but there was this one her Mr. Right that accepted her the way she was, with whom they lived together for three years as a discordant couple and even sired two children Ahadi and Faraja who are HIV negative.
She parted way with her ex husband on multiple cheating allegations, the separation wayed so much on her but after awhile, Phenny was able to dust herself up and promised to focus all her attention on her children, Evidently on social media Phenny Awiti has really indeed put her best foot forward for her children.
The selfless mum and HIV activist recently shared a photo flaunting an engagement ring, Phenny Awiti who was equally surprised that her man could go down on his knee and propose to her! The couple that seem to be living their best lives are currently expecting a new bundle of joy, who will be Phenny Awitis third child.

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