Radio Citizen’s Managing Director Robin Njogu Dies

Robin Njogu
Robin Njogu

Radio Citizen Managing Editor Robin Njogu has passed away early hours of Tuesday March 15 2020.

Njogu died at Aga Khan Hospital where he was undergoing treatment few days after his mother passed on.

Youth Affairs CS Joe Mucheru confirmed the news on his social media as he sent condolences to the family.

“Robin was a consummate journalist and contributed heavily to the development of radio news in the country. Sad loss for his young family, RMS and the media fraternity in the country. May God comfort his family,” he wrote.

The Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua has also sent his condolences terming him as a personal friend and had visited him in hospital.

“The other day when I visited him at the hospital he was cheerful and getting better…what a sad night,”  he wrote.

A nation has lost a legend in the Media fraternity. May his soul rest in peace and our sincere condolences to the family.

Robin Njogu
Robin Njogu

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