Raila Odinga Weighs In On Revenue Formula Allocation That Almost Broke The Bromance Between Him And Uhuru

Raila Odinga
Raila Odinga

The former prime minister, Raila Amollo has shared his input on a revenue allocation formula that the senate has vehemently been discussing.

He said the current stalemate is causing paralysis and mistrust at a time the country needs to be united and focused on tackling the COVID-19 pandemic.

He told the Senate to pass the recommendation by the Commission for Revenue Allocation (CRA) and allow the country to move forward.

The Orange Democratic leader points out that the debate over the revenue-sharing formula has taken, “a dangerous ethnic undertone instead of being a level-headed debate on the nation’s development trajectory.”

Tanga Tanga leaders have come out strongly citing that the Building Bridges Initiative was on the ledge if the ODM leader does not approve on the proposed recommendation while others are making it a political play on 2020 succession.

Odinga maintains the resources currently being recommended by CRA, can adequately serve counties if corruption is eliminated by heavily punishing those who perpetuate plundering of public funds.


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