Rapper Sosuun Ends Her Marriage With Kenrazy After 10 years


Female rapper Sosuun has decided to end her 10-year marriage to fellow rapper Kenrazy over what she called walking away from toxic in-laws.

Sosuun revealed that she’d never been liked her in-laws because of the alcoholic nature of her mother.

“My mom is past drinking, she is now alcohol dependent …one thing my sisters and I struggle with is looking straight into our mother’s eyes and take her by force to rehab without her own consent, it may look easy but to us the title MOTHER still hasn’t been shaken, not even a bit,” revealed Sosuun.

She explained that her mother had been an alcoholic for years now, something that made her in-laws disrespect and even demean her.

“Nobody understands the pain a woman carries as years go by from in-laws who never find you enough. They always find a loophole in their family just because you are not part of it. I have experienced that and I have to act accordingly for the protection of my daughter and my own mental fitness,” stated Sosuun.



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