Sauti Sol Explains Why Fans Have Never See Them Do Any Charity Work And Its Impressive

Sauti Sol
Sauti Sol

During this pandemic, a few celebrities have been out helping the needy and broad casting it all over their social media and most of their fans have been happy seeing them help others. But not Sauti Sol.

Sauti Sol have been releasing music and the only form of charity we ever seemed to see them do was them playing at concerts that were going to raise money for those in need.

Sauti Sol’s own lead vocalist Bien Aime Baraza came forth to clarify that matter before their fans. The vocalist said that they do do a lot of charity work but its always been their decision to leave the camera back at home on such occasions.

“If I give you money and post on social media, it becomes more about me than the person who is given, which I don’t think is cool. I would do a charity and keep it to myself,” he said. Then he went ahead and told a few of the projects they have done saying, “We do a lot of projects, including opening libraries and visiting children, but we do not post since we do them from our hearts. We don’t do to show people,”

“We are doing stuff but if that is your style in giving, then they should be allowed to do them. Let us not crucify those who give and show as everyone has their style of giving,” he said. He finished with a plea to others who could help to step up and help those in need.

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