Senate Postpones Special Sitting Over Arrests Of 3 Senators

Senate Assembly
Senate Assembly

On Monday 17 August, the senators are showing solidarity to their own by adjourning the senate sitting over arrests made early today.

The three senators arrested include Senator Cleophas Malala (Kakamega), Christopher Langat (Bomet) and Steve Lelengwe (Samburu).

This is the 10th time it is being adjourned over the revenue allocation formula debate that has seen an uproar in the recent sittings.

Earlier on Senator Murkomen has stated there would be no senate sitting if the three were still held in custody.

The speaker, Kenneth Lusaka said,“The chair of security committee should convene and get all parties to give information on whereabouts of the senators and report back on the progress.”

“The house stands adjourned up to 2:30 pm,” he added.

Senate Assembly
Senate Assembly

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