Tanasha Donna Hits Another Milestone


Tanasha Donna has been trending for like a week ever since she released her solo song ‘Sawa’. She  had good marketers supporting her song so it comes as no surprise that her song was featured on Africa’s Music Promotion list.

Tanasha Donna has so far achieved another milestone after she was featured on Africa’s Music Promotion top 10 lists. In Kenya she was the only artist featured leaving people second guessing on why Sauti Sol were not on the list.

Tanasha Donna took to her Instagram account where she went on to thank her fans for making it happen. She posted a screenshot of the list where she was rated at number five after the release of her song ‘Sawa’. She captioned the picture simply by stating, “Top African Songs This Month. Thank You. #SAWATD”

Fans took the comment section where they congratulated Tanasha Donna over her success. This comes at a time after she has started being rumoured to be having a new Arabic Bae warming her bed. So far Tanasha Donna has not responded to the rumours yet.


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