Video on how African women are persecuted in Saudi Arabia (Arab World)


A video has emerged on how many African women especially Kenyans who go abroad in such of greener pastures are being persecuted by their bosses. Modern day slavery is a live and real people! Sit down, go to Gikomba and do some real business instead of moving to a foreign country blindly.

In the video are Kenyan women who have been locked up in Tarhill, one of the biggest destination centers in Saudi Arabia.

According to one US based Kenyan, Nelson Muriuki, he received a video call on Sunday afternoon from a group of women who only had one wish. To get back home. Check out the video.

He went ahead to post this on his facebook page.

I received an anonymous video call on FB an hour ago and what I saw scared the hell out of my blood system!! 160 Kenyan women locked in a detention center, desperate and helpless. All of them have one golden wish “To go back Home.” The living conditions inside the Tarlhill is a violation of every form of human right!

Here is a summary of what I saw with my 2 eyes:

1: Overcrowded rooms with women lying on cold floors or upto 3 people sharing one bed or sleeping in shifts!
2: Hygiene: This is the biggest disaster!! The women receive no sanitary pads or proper hygiene articles. Many are lying there sick especially with Diarrhea and other diseases. I quote “all we get here ni PANADOL tu!!”. They complained of dirty toilettes which are a major source of all these ailments.
3: Heat: I understand it’s extremely hot and imagine these overcrowded rooms with no AC?! Many could be seen sweating and some are experiencing BREATHING PROBLEMS.
4: Depression: I saw women who have lost it or as we say in swahili “Wana wendazimu”.

It’s a sad situation indeed. I guess people should try to explore local business and farming first before venturing into the unknown. Cheap is expensive!

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