Woman Drowns At Thompson Falls During A Photo Session With Her Brother


A 39 year old woman identified as Jemima Oresha drowned while taking pictures with her brother at the world famous Thompson falls in Nyahururu town.

She  was standing on a stone near the River which is located at the bottom of the falls when she slipped and fell into the River. Her brother Zabkon Mungafu said he was taking photos of her sister when she slipped and fell in the river.

He later informed the security officers at the site who Informed the police and a rescue mission was launched.

Mr Milton Luvokha one of their family member called upon the county government of Laikipia to send more divers to help in retrieving the body.

Nyahururu Sub-County Police Commander (SCPC) Geoffrey Mayek said the search mission was suspended earlier, due to high levels of the river caused by current heavy rains.

He also appealed to locals living downstream to report to police in case they spot a body on the river.

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