Graduate contracted as Covid -19 Frontline Call Doctors Not Paid May and June Salaries

Dreaded COVID
Dreaded COVID

The contracted graduates tasked as frontline doctors have not been paid May and June salaries. The doctors were based in Safaricom call centre as response team on the fight against COVID 19.

One of the doctors contacted Boniface Mwangi via his direct mail on the issue who later posted on social media as a concern.

The most surprising issue is that the government has been receiving donation and funds  to curb all COVID-19 related issues which it has failed to account for.

Boniface Mwangi @bonifacemwangi”Graduate doctors were contracted by the Ministry of Health to serve as Covid-19 frontline call agents (the 719 calls) from April for 3 months. They were based at the Safaricom house. They were paid only for 1 month. They haven’t been paid their May and June salaries.”-Via DM

This is the direct message from the anonymous doctor to Boniface Mwangi.


The government should have full accounts on funds meant to curb the coronavirus battle.

Boniface Mwangi
Boniface Mwangi

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