Zimbambwe’s Minister Of Agriculture Dies.

Air Chief Marshall Perrance Shiri
Air Chief Marshall Perrance Shiri

The minister for Agriculture, Perrance Shiri has passed away 29 July 2020 at the age of 65. His demise was announced  by Pressident  Emmerson Mnangagwa but never mentioned the cause of his death.

It is said the 65-year old minister died in a private hospital where he had been receiving treatment.

Perrance was admitted on Tuesday July 28 days after his driver succumbed to COVID-19 last weekend.

However, according to the president’s spokesman George Charamba, the deceased was in self-isolation.

This came after the Zimbabwean parliament was shut down on Monday 27 July after two legislators tested positve for Corona virus.

Air Chief Marshall Perrance Shiri
Air Chief Marshall Perrance Shiri

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