Homa Bay Health Department Offices Closed After 5 Staff Tested Positive for COVID-19

Homabay Health Department Offices Closed After 5 Staff Tested Positive for COVID-19

Homa Bay County Health department headquarters have been closed after five senior officials tested positive for Covid-19.

The five officials infected are now receiving treatment at various health facilities.

County Health Administrator, Elly Odhiambo announced that the office will be closed for the next week to prevent the spread of Covid-19 at the health department headquarters as they look to start the fumigation process.

During the closure, Odhiambo said that all of the department’s employees will work from home while waiting for the department to reopen.

This comes after Kisumu County recorded a high number of Covid-19 positive cases since May 26th. The positive cases have been on the rise leading to a total of 5,739 infections so far.

The steady increase was witnessed in the latter week, during the Madaraka day celebrations and medical experts believe that the impact of breaking the COVID-19 rules will be felt in the coming weeks.

Homa Bay Health Department Offices Closed After 5 Staff Tested Positive for COVID-19

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