Abduba Dida Eyes The Kiambu’s County Seat

Abduba Dida
Abduba Dida

Abduba Dida has been in the political arena for a while as he had vied for presidential seat a few times. Even though he never won, the aspirant has now diverted his intentions to vying for the kiambu governor’s seat come 2022.

Under the democratic party Alliance for Real Change (ARC), Abduba Dida in a controversial speech said he already knows the residents of Kiambu will work towards securing the seat to preacher David Ngari alias Gakuyo as the next county boss even after his scandals.

He foreshadowed that the residents within a year will ask for the impeachment of their governor as they run up and down.

He also stated he has never been a fan of impeachment motions as it always about voters who have developed a norm of electing wrong leaders.

“Mr Gakuyo who stole billions from Kenyan investors is not only free but has also declared intentions to run for Kiambu gubernatorial race 2022! Of course they shall vote him then try to impeach him after a year. I hope that this explains why I do not support these impeachment,” he said.
Gakuyo has been recently implicated in an investment scandal but hasn’t been prosecuted.

Abduba Dida
Abduba Dida

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