Business Came to a Halt in Ruaka Town. Covid-19


Business came to a halt in Ruaka town, Kiambu county a day after four cases of the new coronavirus was confirmed at the busy town.

In a notice signed by sub-county administrator David Mugo, the market will remain shut until further notice.

A contingent of police officers was deployed on Tuesday to ensure businesses comply with the closure order.

Fumigation of the market was yet to start as of Tuesday afternoon amid reports that officials from the Ministry of Health had secured the apartment where four people tested positive.

Fumigation of the apartment was carried out for the better part of Tuesday afternoon.

According to Kiambaa Deputy County Commissioner Peter Maina, five people who had come into contact with the positive cases were waiting to be taken to an isolation centre.

On Friday, the Eastleigh Business Community resolved to close down businesses in the popular shopping hub to avert the spread of the new coronavirus.

The move was informed by the death of an Imam who succumbed to the coronavirus earlier in the week.

Kenya has far recorded 281 cases of the new coronavirus.

14 people have also succumbed to the virus while 69 have recovered since the pandemic was first reported in Kenya.



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