Justine Muturi: MPs To Keep Off Revenue Allocation Debate

speaker justine muturi
speaker justine muturi

Speaker justine Muturi has warned members of parliament in dwelling on revenue allocation formula and noted the process should be left for the Senate committee.

The National Speaker urged the legislators to wait for the bill to be proposed in parliament.

“I have seen many of you arguing animatedly on it. Wait for it to come to the House. You’ll have an opportunity to deal with it as NA. They don’t need your help.” Muturi said

“When the second formula was up for debate, we passed it without amendments,” he said during the third leadership retreat in Nairobi on Tuesday.

On August 11, 2020, Senators selected an ad-hoc committee that will seek to get the solution on the revenue sharing formula following several failed attempts.

speaker justine muturi
speaker justine muturi


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