Nakuru Politician Finds Son Dead After Losing Lakeview Ward By-Election

Police vehicle at a crime scene
police vehicle at a crime scene

Virginia Wairimu Kimani, a Nakuru-based politician suffered a double tragedy after finding her son dead hours after she lost the Lakeview Ward by-election.

Virginia is said to have found her son, who had been supervising the tallying of votes at Naivasha Boarding Primary School dead at around 2 am in bed.

Naivasha OCPD Samuel Waweru confirmed the incident, stating that investigations were ongoing on the cause of death.

The mother called neighbours who confirmed the boy was dead. Police were called in and have collected the body.

“We were woken by screams and when we rushed to the home, we found Kimani had passed on at night,”  one of the neighbors, Jane Njeri stated.

The man had no noticeable injuries, and his body was transferred to the Naivasha mortuary waiting for post-mortem.

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