Sad state of affairs in the political wing


Looking at the past and current political noise, you have realized it is diminishing slowly. Those who were yapping on top of roofs declaring allegiances to certain politicians while insulting opponents have had their tails hid.

It has dawned on them that independence of mind and respect for others is paramount. Democracy is prevailing, sense has taken over and rationale is the order of the day. Sycophants are slaves of delusion. They are easily convinced. They are unreliable and gullible in all respects.

Most of them tend to be drunk with the power they don’t have, and this sometimes makes them bossy and dictatorial because they know they are well connected. Every leader has his or her sycophants and henchmen, and every supporter has his or her preferred leader. In democracy, there’s room for opponents and supporters. Alas, there is no room for sycophancy. Sycophancy is lack of knowledge coupled with poverty of ideas.

Its a crazy political scenario but could also be termed as “end of an error”


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