Senators Reject Energy Regulatory Commission of Kenya’s Proposal


Senators opposed the strict measures proposed by the Energy Regulatory Commission of Kenya to curb the massive shift from government powered electricity to solar power.

The Senators On Wednesday, December 9, insisted that high licensing fees, education standards and fines levied on technicians and contractors would slow down Kenya’s attempt to implement renewable energy solutions.

They stated that the aim of EPRA’s move was to protect key players in the energy industry and to enable the government to enjoy dominance in the industry.

“The committee is not convinced with the (Energy) Ministry and the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) responses that these regulations are not meant to protect the interest of Kenya Power as a monopoly,” Chairman Ephraim Maina stated.

Nominated Senator Abshire Halako added that the change would have an effect on the government’s strategy to concentrate on renewable energy.


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