Sonko stripped of new title days after he was crowned

Governor Mike Sonko

The Kenya Scouts Council stripped Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko of his newly acquired Nairobi patron title.

The Kenya Scouts Council, chaired by former CS Jacob Kaimenyi, has ruled the act of granting the title to Governor Sonko unconstitutional.

The Council also emphasized that the role of National Scout Patron belongs to President Uhuru Kenyatta and not to Governor Sonko, as some reports had claimed.

The Kaimenyi-led team further elaborated that Sonko’s appointment as patron had not been cleared by the council.

“An installation ceremony is a solemn scout ceremony and must be officiated by either the sitting chief commissioner or, in his absence, a National Commissioner of the Kenya Scouts Association who he/she must have delegated the task to,” the statement read in part.

Kenya Scouts Council suggested that, a day before the ceremony, it had written a letter to Sonko, warning him against continuing with the installation and not meeting the requirements.

Senator Petronilla Were, Vice President of the World Scouts Parliamentary Union (WSPU), received Sonko on Friday.

Accepting his new position, Sonko issued an order to the Youth and Education County Department to work.

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