Vivian Fires Shots At Azziad For Failing To Market Her Song With Stivo Simple Boy

Vivian with With Stevo SimpleBoy
Vivian with With Stevo SimpleBoy

Speaking during an interview with media personality Jamal Gaddafi, Vivian Came out guns blazing at Azziad Nasenya after she failed to market Vivian’s Song dubbed ‘Simpo Simpo’.

Just after the release of the song, Vivian claims she approached Azziad to help market her song but instead of just agreeing, Azziad claimed she needed to be paid an upfront.

Vivian  was shocked being the fact that Azziad was new to the Entertainment industry yet she refused to participate in marketing the song which was already doing well.

“Kuna influencer saa hii at the moment anavuma sana pale Tiktok, na tulimwongelesha tukamuuliza kama anaeza share hii song yangu na Stivo na akasema lazima tumlipe. Kwa hivyo jambo kama hilo I was a little bit surprised kwa sababu amekuja saa hizi na song inafanya poa” she said while speaking with Jamal Gaddafi.

This has brought Azziad under heavy criticism by Kenyans.

Vivian with With Stevo SimpleBoy
Vivian with With Stevo SimpleBoy

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