Kwale County Assembly Closed Indefinitely

Kwale county assembly in session
Kwale county assembly in session

Kwale county assembly has been shut down abruptly after several employees and MCAs complained of Covid-19 like symptoms.

This comes at a time the nation is experiencing a surge in the infection rate.

Confirming the news, county speaker Sammy Ruwa said after consultation with members, they resolved to temporarily terminate assembly activities until further notice.

“We had a meeting with the entire assembly leadership and we decided to shut operations for some time as a precaution,” he said.

He however, said results of Covid-19 tests are yet to be known. All members have been urged to work from home for safety purposes.

The assembly proceedings will be conducted through virtual meetings as scheduled.

Two weeks ago, ODM leader Raila Odinga led a series of BBI popularization campaigns at the Coast and later tested positive for the virus.

Kwale county assembly in session
Kwale county assembly in session

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